Home NDPC News CDP completing work on first ‘Response Short’

CDP completing work on first ‘Response Short’

by Wendi Feazell

The Center for Domestic Preparedness has been busy recently creating the first of what it hopes will be many video ‘Response Shorts.’

The initial video is focused on Fentanyl awareness and based on White House and other best practices for avoiding exposure to that and other synthetic opioids. The target audience for the 4.5-minute offering is responders, particularly emergency medical personnel, law enforcement officers and healthcare workers who may encounter synthetic opioids, including a person or persons using those substances.

The CDP expects to release the ‘Response Short’ within the next 30 days.

Since early 2020, the CDP’s library of online (self-paced) courses, virtual instructor-led training offerings and informational videos has grown tremendously.

The CDP currently has a catalog of 15 online and about 50 Virtual-Instructor-Led Training offerings for responders in nearly all disciplines (i.e. fire services, health care and law enforcement).

In the past year, the CDP has also produced seven informational videos, including four focused exclusively on COVID-19.

Complete lists of all CDP online and virtual instructor-led training offerings can be found by visiting the center’s web site at https://cdp.dhs.gov/.

The CDP-produced videos can be viewed by visiting the center’s YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCygLDQbg9Cqburp_0D7K5Sw.

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