Home NDPC News HSEP virtual course now available

HSEP virtual course now available

by Wendi Feazell

A virtual version of the Center for Domestic Preparedness’ Health Sector Emergency Preparedness course is now available.

The 8-hour course was developed to help health care providers and suppliers adhere to a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services rule issued in 2016. The rule requires the providers and suppliers to establish and maintain an emergency operation plan and conduct associated employee training in order to apply for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement.

The course teaches participants how to conduct a hazard vulnerability analysis; create emergency operations plans, policies and procedures; and conduct emergency training and exercises with supporting agencies.

The CDP has conducted the HSEP course since 2017, training more than 6,000 individuals.

For additional information about or to register for the virtual course, visit https://cdp.dhs.gov/training/course/AWR-336-W.

Meanwhile, work continues on a new 16-hour Health Sector Emergency Preparedness II: Planning, Response, and Recovery course.

The course, which will be offered as a non-resident training option as well as virtually, will examine healthcare response to emergencies and disasters more in-depth. It will also include a healthcare response exercise patterned after a real-world emergency or disaster.

The course is expected to be unveiled later this year.

For a list of all CDP web-based courses, visit https://cdp.dhs.gov and click on the web-based training tab.

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