Home NDPC News HMA Train-the-Trainer offering planned for September

HMA Train-the-Trainer offering planned for September

by Wendi Feazell

The Center for Domestic Preparedness’ Hazardous Materials Awareness Course has typically been conducted online, enabling students who need the eight hours of training to receive it where they are, rather than traveling.

The course, which is a prerequisite for a number of other CDP courses, often fulfills organizational hazmat requirements for responders. It teaches responders to identify hazardous materials by their signs and symbols, know which documentation is needed when transporting hazardous materials, protective actions to take when encountering these materials, use of the Emergency Response Guidebook and indications of illegal labs or explosives.

The CDP is currently planning its first HMA Train-the-Trainer Course, which will be conducted on campus Sept. 7-11. The 8-hour HMA TtT will be coupled with an in-person HMA and the 8-hour Incident Complexities – Responder Actions for CBRNE Incidents Course.

HMA TtT will prepare individuals to teach HMA to their fellow responders. Prospective instructors will walk through the most vital areas of the course and then teach the course in its entirely in front of a CDP instructor.

The HMA distance learning course can be found online at https://cdp.dhs.gov/training/course/AWR-358%20dL.

For more information about the HMA TtT, visit the CDP website at https://cdp.dhs.gov/training/course/AWR%20358-1.

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