Home NDPC News NDPC Members Featured in TPP Times Summer Issue

NDPC Members Featured in TPP Times Summer Issue

by Elizabeth Carter

Two member organizations of the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium are featured in the summer issue of the Training Partners Program’s TPP Times.

LSU’s National Center for Biomedical Research and Training/Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education (NCBRT/ACE) and University of Hawaii’s National Disaster Preparedness Training Center (NDPTC) both contributed articles on their training efforts.

LSU NCBRT/ACE’s article highlights its expansion of its virtual and web-based courses and resources. In the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic, LSU NCBRT/ACE’s online resources reached over 500 thousand emergency responders.

The NDPTC’s article features its natural disaster preparedness and recovery courses, and notes the importance of connecting those courses with the responders most likely to benefit from training in a specific diaster area.

Read both articles here.


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