Home NDPC News CDP finalizing plans for updated training bays

CDP finalizing plans for updated training bays

by Wendi Feazell

The Maryland-based team is on the CDP campus to discuss the first artist renderings of new themes for the training bays in the center’s Chemical, Ordnance, Biological and Radiological Training Facility (COBRATF).

Army and COBRATF engineers are also discussing supporting mechanical devices.

The devices will help ensure safe levels of agent concentration is maintained in the bays once they are redesigned. They can also be used to create ‘actionable events’ for those training in the refurbished bays, such as an unexpected leak requiring attention.

Project managers say they expect the renovation plan to be about 85 percent complete by the end of September.

In a typical year, up to 2,500 first responders train at the COBRATF and learn how to detect and safely operate in environments with chemical, biological and nuclear materials.

The facility offers the only civilian training in the nation featuring live chemical agents such GB (Sarin) and VX and biological materials such as ricin (Ricin A Chain) and anthrax (Bacillus anthracis delta Sterne). Training with the agents and materials has been shown to increase responders’ confidence to deal with hazardous substances in real-world incidents.

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