Home NDPC News Dorm renovations, other construction projects proceeding at CDP

Dorm renovations, other construction projects proceeding at CDP

by Wendi Feazell

FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness is currently renovating one of its student dormitories, with improvements to another slated to begin next year.

The renovation of all nine dorms on the CDP campus began in 2010. Since then, six dorms have been updated.

As each dorm is modernized, it is outfitted with a new heating and cooling system. This system enables students to adjust the temperature in their individual rooms.

Each room also has new carpet and furnishings, bathroom fixtures and security controls.

To ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, one room in each dorm is prepared to ADA standards.

Current dorm renovations are expected to be complete later this year.

In addition to the dorms, numerous other projects are underway on the CDP campus. They include:

• The HVAC system at the Chemical, Ordnance, Biological and Radiological Training Facility (COBRATF), originally installed in 1986, is being replaced. The new system will provide COBRATF personnel better operational control of heating, ventilation and air conditioning in the facility when the project wrap ups in fiscal year 2022.

• A new medical suite at the COBRATF is nearing completion, with equipment expected to be installed later this month.

• The COBRATF is also upgrading its security monitoring system. That system is expected to be in place in fiscal year 2022.

• Plans have been submitted for a $12 million makeover of the main building at the Advanced Responder Training (ARTC) complex and work at that project is expected to begin in fiscal year 2022.

In all, the CDP estimates nearly $55 million will be invested in campus improvements through fiscal year 2023.

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