Home NDPC News Working group starts mapping out 2023 Tribal Nations Training Week

Working group starts mapping out 2023 Tribal Nations Training Week

by Wendi Feazell

A working group gathered at the Center of Domestic Preparedness (CDP) this week to begin outlining the center’s next Tribal Nations Training Week.

The annual event is the largest training event of its type in the Department of Homeland Security, usually attended by about 300 tribal nation responders.

The working group, comprised of responders from five tribal nations and representatives from the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NPDC) – which includes the CDP – and the Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (RDPC), discussed training gaps identified by recent hazard vulnerability assessments of more than 40 tribal nations or entities. It then identified courses in the NDPC and RDPC catalogs which could help close those gaps.

Those selections formed the group’s initial ‘outline’ of the week.

As in previous years, the 2023 event will offer training in a variety of areas, including emergency management, hazardous materials, healthcare and law enforcement. It will also include a lavish feast, with a variety of traditional Native American dishes, on opening day.

More details will be provided once the outline and dates of the training are firmed up.

For more on CDP training opportunities for state, local, tribal and territorial emergency response providers, visit https://cdp.dhs.gov.


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