Home NDPC News EMRTC Course Registration and Certification Moving Online authored by Intern Meadow Crise

EMRTC Course Registration and Certification Moving Online authored by Intern Meadow Crise

by Julie Ford

Now that EMRTC’s course registration and certification is transitioning to an online platform, the time it takes to register and receive the certificate is significantly reduced.

Vanessa Ruane manages mobile courses and data collection at EMRTC and explained how the registration process is streamlined. Ruane highlighted that “Registering in class takes about 10-15 minutes of instructional time… online registration would take 3-5 minutes.”

In the past EMRTC has used a paper-based method for registration and certification. With this original method, valuable class time was spent. In addition, participants would have to wait a couple of weeks for the hard copy of course completion certificates to arrive.

To make online registration as user-friendly as possible, Ruane implements a dropdown menu option on the registration form. “There are dropdown menus so you do not have to enter or search for information… the instructors at the beginning of the class are putting the host city and zip code and their [ instructors’] names and course title.”

At EMRTC there are many classes being offered and if a participant registers for the wrong section, admins are able to see when issues like this occur and respond.










Online certificates provide course participants with a more immediate item to demonstrate their course completion.

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