Home NDPC News CDP channel features just-in-time training

CDP channel features just-in-time training

by Wendi Feazell

The Center for Domestic Preparedness’ (CDP’s) YouTube training channel offers first responders several just-in-time microlearning offerings.

Microlearning takes narrow topics and packages the information into concise products (short videos and podcasts) for those who are time-constrained or unable to devote time to a full class. Individuals can also view or listen to them on a phone or computer on their own schedule.

The CDP channel currently houses six training videos covering subjects such as fentanyl awareness and protection, proper grounding and bonding techniques, hospital planning for mass casualty surges, communications best practices, and cyber tips regarding social engineering and exit data (information which is embedded in photos and other electronic files). The cyber tips and fentanyl training are good information for anyone, not only first responders.

Additionally, work is underway on the CDP’s next microlearning offering – Identification of Hazardous Materials Using the Seven Clues.

Responders are encouraged to subscribe to the CDP’s training channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIoi6TLqSBH7Moy5U_M7Uw.

By subscribing to the channel, responders will be automatically notified when new material is posted to the platform.

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