Home NDPC News CDP updating COBRA training scenarios

CDP updating COBRA training scenarios

by Wendi Feazell

The Chemical, Ordnance, Biological and Radiological Training Facility (COBRATF) at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness is busy developing scripts for new exercises it plans to incorporate into its refurbished training bays.

The scripts will detail what actions students are expected to perform during the exercises, which will correspond with new vinyl coverings and props that are being installed in the bays.

Work on both the scripts and physical enhancements to the bays are expected to be complete in the fall.

The COBRATF is the only place in the country where civilian responders train with hazardous biological substances and toxic chemical agents.

In a typical year, up to 2,500 civilian responders train at the facility. The training helps prepare the responders to safely respond to a wide variety of hazardous materials incidents.

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