Home NDPC News CDP non-resident evals go paperless

CDP non-resident evals go paperless

by Wendi Feazell

FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) has transitioned to paperless evaluations in its non-resident courses, which are delivered by contract CDP instructors at locations across the United States.

Evaluations for two courses, the Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Core Concepts Course and REP Plan Review Course, went online last week. All other courses will be paperless as they are offered.

Online evaluations for non-resident courses will be available for up to a week after the courses end, ensuring students have ample opportunity to provide feedback. The center’s resident courses have had paperless evaluations for several years.

The change to paperless evaluations is part of the CDP’s Climate Adaptation Initiative and supports FEMA’s strategic goal related to climate resilience, which says the agency will increase ‘climate literacy’ of the emergency management community and lead a ‘whole of community’ effort to build a climate resilient nation.

The Climate Adaptation Initiative aims to reduce the CDP’s carbon footprint by 50 percent in the next three years and includes the planned use of battery-powered tools, solar energy, and energy-efficient lighting across the CDP campus.

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