Home NDPC News CDP training helps hospital stay prepared

CDP training helps hospital stay prepared

by Wendi Feazell

Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Pennsylvania recently lauded the training it receives each year from FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness.

In an article in a local newspaper, Geisinger’s Associate Vice President of Emergency Management and Employee Health, Stephanie Gryboski, is quoted as saying the center is prepared for tragedies like a recent active shooter incident on its property because ‘… The heads of departments and staff at Geisinger are (regularly) sent to the Center for Domestic Preparedness in Anniston, Alabama, for four to five days … where they are drilled on policy and response.’

The training spans a variety of areas, from incident command to hazardous materials awareness and decontamination, she added.

The employees at Geisinger are not alone. In the past eight years, more than 4,000 responders from Pennsylvania have been trained at the CDP, including firefighters, law enforcement officers and medical professionals.

CDP training for state, local, tribal and territorial first responders is fully funded by the Department of Homeland Security, to include round-trip transportation, lodging and meals.

For additional information, visit https://cdp.dhs.gov.

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