Home NDPC News NDPC Transitions Leadership to New Mexico Tech During Annual Conference

NDPC Transitions Leadership to New Mexico Tech During Annual Conference

by Julie Ford

Van Romero, Vice President for Special Research Programs at New Mexico Tech, is new NDPC Chairman. Thursday afternoon in College Station, TX during the conclusion of the annual conference, Romero was presented the gavel by outgoing NDPC Chairman Jeff Mayne from Louisiana State University. Romero and New Mexico Tech First Responder Training Program will lead the NDPC for the next three years.

As noted by Romero, when NDPC was started in 1997, the focus was on weapons of mass destruction. Twenty-five years later, “NDPC has evolved and pivoted to address threats to our communities including climate change and attacks on our technology infrastructure, and I am honored to again assume chairmanship of the NDPC as we meet these challenges.”

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