EMRTC recently provided a customized training course for more than 30 first responders in American Samoa. The first responders work for Port Administration, Public Safety, Customs, Homeland Security, and LBJ Hospital and Department of Health. The 5-day training spanned multiple programs including Medical Preparedness and Response for Bombing Incidents (MPRBI) offered jointly with Texas A&M) …
Julie Ford
EMRTC Course Registration and Certification Moving Online authored by Intern Meadow Crise
Now that EMRTC’s course registration and certification is transitioning to an online platform, the time it takes to register and receive the certificate is significantly reduced.
Vanessa Ruane manages mobile courses and data collection at EMRTC and explained how the registration process is streamlined. Ruane highlighted that “Registering in class takes about 10-15 minutes of …
DART Virtual Field Labs Offer Solution to Inclement Weather at EMRTC’s Playas Facility
Playas, a once-abandoned former mining town located in New Mexico’s remote southwestern bootheel region, provides pretty incredible training opportunities. With its controlled access and expanse of 400,000 acres of operational space, the New Mexico Tech-owned facility offers unique and state of the art training. From its live fire and driving ranges, a high explosives range, …
EMRTC Creates 3D Printed Models to Enhance the Curriculum and Make Courses a Hands-on Experience – by Intern Meadow Crise
EMRTC is enhancing course materials via Interactive 3D visual aids that engage participants.
The 3D printed models would allow participants to visualize emergency scenarios with more detail. Two different types of models are being used. One is 3D modeling, which shows a 3D representation of an object digitally. 3D printed objects are modeled digitally then …
Twenty-one years ago this month Gavin Donnelly played a role in post 9-11 evidence processing. Six years before that, in 1995, he helped process the scene in Oklahoma City after the Alfred P. Murrah building bombing. This month, he celebrates his one year anniversary working for New Mexico Tech, where he serves as EMRTC’s Training …
Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center (EMRTC) helps Educators respond to Bomb Threats at Schools
Authored by Meadow Crise
A new EMRTC course is providing educators with the tools to act quickly in an emergency event.
The FEMA SME review pilot of the Surviving Bombing Incidents for Educators (SBIE) course took place at EMRTC on June 21, 2022. Ten educator participants were in attendance. On average it takes 7-14 …
EMRTC Subject Matter Expert Profile: Joe Konefal, Fire Death and Arson Investigator
First responder training course participants benefit from the expertise of several individuals as training courses are planned, developed, and taught. Subject matter experts, course developers and consultants, and course instructors possess decades’ worth of experience and an incredible amount of specific knowledge. One of these experts who has played a key role in multiple EMRTC-offered …
New Mexico Tech Wows Socorro with Annual Fireworks Display by EMRTC
For decades, New Mexico Tech has been lighting up the sky in the small town of Socorro with its annual Fourth of July fireworks display. This tradition, which involves a full day filled with live music, food vendors, and activities for kids, brings together families from all over town as well as the university community. …
New Mexico Tech Offering New Surviving Bombing Incidents for Educators Course
As our nation grapples with increasing school safety concerns, one area where we can exert control is response training. Beyond first responders, school educators and staff can benefit from training in response to school bombing incidents. In the space between the moment an explosive event occurs and the arrival of emergency responders on the scene, …
New Mexico Tech/EMRTC Offering New Drone Assessment and Response Tactics Courses
After four years of development, EMRTC is now offering Drone Assessment and Response Tactics (DART) courses designed to train emergency personnel to respond to Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) threats. The first course was piloted in 2019. Currently three DART courses are available to provide emergency personnel with the knowledge and necessary skills to detect, identify, …