Home NDPC News CDP hosts first Complex Coordinated Attack Theme Week of 2020

CDP hosts first Complex Coordinated Attack Theme Week of 2020

by ndpcadmin

The Center for Domestic Preparedness hosted its first Complex Coordinated Attack Theme Week of 2020 in early January.

The week culminated with an Integrated Capstone Event – a comprehensive exercise where students in participating courses had to grapple with multiple active shooter and hazardous materials ‘incidents.’

The active shooter incidents occurred in a subway, on a city street with multiple commercial businesses, in an industrial complex, in a high school auditorium, and in the Noble (Hospital) Training Facility, and tested the response capabilities of students from the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Brunswick, GA.

The hazardous materials ‘incidents’, meanwhile, occurred in the Noble (Hospital) Training Facility, as well as sites around the county where the hospital is located, and tested the response capabilities of students in the CDP’s Healthcare Leadership and Hospital Emergency Response Training for Mass Casualty Incidents courses. These students also had to exercise hospital lockdown protocols during the active shooter ‘incident’ in the hospital.

The CDP will host its next Complex Coordinated Attack Theme Week in early June.

For more on all CDP training opportunities for state, local, tribal and territorial responders, visit https://cdp.dhs.gov/find-training.

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