Home NDPC News Development of new BERT course on track

Development of new BERT course on track

by Wendi Feazell

Course developers at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness are one step closer to unveiling a new Basic Emergency Response Training Course (BERT).

An updated version of the center’s former four-day Technical Emergency Response Training offering, the course includes instruction on basic hazardous materials identification, scene survey and assessment, mass casualty triage, mass casualty decontamination, and personal and public protective measures.

BERT is three days long and geared at entry-level responders who may be called upon to support mass casualty operations associated with a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear incident.

The course is currently undergoing the first of at least two reviews by hazardous materials, medical and other subject matter experts. Once finalized, the course will be scheduled for delivery.

Developers anticipate the first delivery to occur sometime this fall.

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