Home NDPC News CDP FFO tactics assist with quelling disturbance

CDP FFO tactics assist with quelling disturbance

by Wendi Feazell

Nevada Department of Corrections (NDOC) officers used training provided by the Center for Domestic Preparedness to help quell an inmate disturbance in December.

The incident involved more than 20 inmates from the Southern Nevada Correctional Center, who set several fires in a building.

According to reports, to safely restore order, the corrections officers used a number of tactics, such as line formation, they were taught in Field Force Operations (FFO) training in late September and early October.

FFO is a three-day course which teaches responders crowd-control techniques and culminates with a series of hands-on activities where they practice their newly acquired skills.

The reports said no one was hospitalized during the incident and there was no significant damage to the facility.

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