Home NDPC News Distance learning offerings include identification of homemade explosives

Distance learning offerings include identification of homemade explosives

by Wendi Feazell

FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness has a library of self-paced, web-based training offerings responders can access anywhere, using a computer or compatible mobile device.

One of the offerings – Homemade Explosives and Precursor Awareness for Public Safety – teaches responders about the types of materials typically used in homemade explosives as well as the reasons individuals use such devices. The independent study course takes about an hour to complete.

Responders interested in the training can learn more by visiting https://cdp.dhs.gov/training/course/AWR-349.

Course registration requires a FEMA Student Identification Number or SID. To complete the one-time registration process for a SID, visit https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid/register.

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