Home NDPC News CDP releases May resident course schedule

CDP releases May resident course schedule

by Wendi Feazell

The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) has released its resident training calendar for the month of May 2023.

Hazardous materials offerings include the center’s Hazardous Materials Operations; Hazardous Materials Technologies: Sampling, Monitoring, and Detection; and Hazardous Materials Technician courses.

Law enforcement courses offered in May include Law Enforcement Protective Measures for Complex Incidents, held in conjunction with Intermediate Hands-On Training for CBRNE Incidents: Law Enforcement, and Law Enforcement Response Actions for CBRNE Incidents; Field Force Operations, and Field Force Extrication Tactics.

Healthcare training during the month includes the CDP’s Barrier Precautions and Controls for Highly Infectious Disease, Framework for Healthcare Emergency Management, Environmental Health Training in Emergency Response Operations, Healthcare Leadership for Mass Casualty Incidents (HCL) and Hospital Emergency Response Training for Mass Casualty Incidents (HERT) offerings.

The two HCL and HERT classes will culminate in an Integrated Capstone Event, or ICE. An ICE is a comprehensive exercise at the end of a training week where students from multiple courses and disciplines work together to respond to simulated incidents patterned after real-world events.

Additionally, the CDP is offering its Incident Command: Capabilities, Planning and Response Actions for All Hazards; and Respiratory Protection: Program Development and Administration courses.

Registration for these opportunities is currently open. To apply, visit https://cdp.dhs.gov/training-calendar.

CDP training is fully funded for state, local, tribal, and territorial emergency responders, to include roundtrip airfare, meals and lodging.

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