Home NDPC News “Ono”: NDPTC’s SAA, TPOC, and Host Agency Training Delivery Information Portal

“Ono”: NDPTC’s SAA, TPOC, and Host Agency Training Delivery Information Portal

by Eric Yamashita

The National Disaster Preparedness Training Center (NDPTC) is excited to announce the development of a web-based application that will allow State Administrative Agency (SAA) and Training Points of Contact (TPOC), and host agency POCs to review upcoming training schedules, rosters, and historical delivery information with NDPTC for their respective state and/or jurisdictions. Users will also be able to view limited participant data including no-shows and discipline breakdowns. A summary Training Report will be available that will display the number of course delivery and participants trained by each course for the users’ area of responsibility.

This software is one of many applications developed or in development by NDPTC to assist with training development, delivery, and operations. In keeping with NDPTC system development tradition, the application has been named after a fish found in the Hawaiian Islands – “Ono,” the Hawaiian name for what is commonly referred to as Wahoo.

This is a screen capture image of NDPTC's SAA Web Portal

NDPTC’s newly developed SAA Portal called Ono

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